INTEBUCO mobiAPP is a mobile version of INTEBUCO Polska programs integrated in one application. It is intended for companies and users using iOFFICE software, which offers a wide range of functionalities and integration of implemented processes.INTEBUCO mobiAPP is an ideal tool in everyday work for active and mobile managers. In one application there are the most important functions and modules necessary for everyday work. The main advantages of the application include, above all, quick and safe access to the services of programs integrated in iOFFICE from anywhere in the world.Advantages of INTEBUCO mobiAPP:• mobile access to iOFFICE, iERP, iACS, iHR, iCRM and iSAFETY,• access to orders, invoices, work cards,• management of leaves, payments and other functionalities,• modern and clear interface,• quick login with iACS card or PIN code,• intuitive navigation,• full integration with other applications.Our application enables, among others:• approving orders for suppliers and recipients,• preview of items in orders for suppliers and recipients,• viewing attachments in orders for suppliers and recipients,• access and approval of invoices,• management of lump sum cards,• verification of reflections with iACS cards in the workplace,• verification of compliance of iACS cards with data in the system,• management of work instructions regarding health and safety rules,• presenting OHS training materials.The INTEBUCO mobiAPP application is available to users after purchasing the appropriate license. If you are not a user of iOFFICE by INTEBUCO Polska software or you do not have the appropriate license, please contact us at
[email protected] to learn more. Check how effective working in an integrated business environment can be.